Friday, November 23, 2012

Shopping Avoidance

Today I need to go to the grocery store. I really really really don't want to go. This is a big change as in the states grocery shopping was one of my favorite activities. I would check ads from the four stores I went to most often, make lists, clip coupons, plot a plan of attack, fill the car with my reusable bags and head out into the wild. Meal plans were made for two weeks at a time. Then I would get to the store and see something awesome on sale (baby artichokes!) and go completely off list. Hubby refers to this as my "ooh shiny!" reflex.

In Amsterdam I have to go to the store every other day or at least every three for two reasons. One:  I don't have a car here and anything I purchase has to be hauled home by hand or strapped on my bike. Two:  My doll-sized refrigerator and complete lack of pantry. I buy milk in half liters. Cereal boxes live on my kitchen counter because there is no cabinet large enough to accommodate them. I don't want my generic Cheerios out for all to see! The Dutch people I've talked to (okay just one girl) say they shop every day because they want to make sure their food is fresh. What a peculiar notion.

So I head out to the shops at least three times a week. Generally I am on foot because my biking is a danger to myself and others. I haven't really mastered coming to a stop. Usually my stop is accomplished by crashing into something or grabbing a light post or similar. Sometimes I just attempt to put a foot down and fall off while laying the bike down. Very elegant. 

My usual store is an Albert Heijn located in a shopping mall (!)about a kilometer from home. I have no real sense of metric distances but that's what Google Maps says. Albert Heijn stores are EVERYWHERE here. They come in several sizes.  There's tiny mini-mart style "AH to-go" in the entrance to the train station by the apartment and another when you walk through the station and out the other side. 

The one in the mall is an Albert Heijn XL. It's small supermarket sized for Americans. It's eternally crowded with ridiculously ancient white haired ladies with little wheelie shopping bags. There's a seating area for them with what must be free coffee. I swear I've never seen one of them leave the store. On Wednesdays it's even worse as schools gets out at noon. The geezers are joined by droves of wee hooligans buying their Chocomel. I try to never shop on Wednesday.

I don't deal well with crowds. The feeling that I'm in every one's way and may be trampled at any moment doesn't lend itself to efficient shopping. My list quickly gets thrust aside as I panic and give up on figuring out which is unsalted butter, grab a package at random and get home to find out it's some sort of cheese instead. I'm really not looking forward to shopping today.